Title Loan News

Title Loan Industry News.


This page contains information on news and information about the title loan industry across the country. Some of the links are to content on this website and there are also some links to pages outside the site.

See up to date legal information on title loans per state at the consumer finance regulations website

Federal legislation on car title loans, the Truth in lending Act

title loans same day

Useful Articles

Here are some articles that relate to title loans, either for those of you who currently have a car title loan and want to know more about a certain aspect or process, or for readers who are considering taking out a title loan and wanting to gather some information to make an informed decision.

Firstly you may begin your journey by finding out a little more about what exactly is a car title loan? That link is a useful starting point from wikipedia.

Next have a look at this article here showing What are the benefits of these loans

Also, if you are facing a repossession and want to stope it, read our guide on Avoiding Title Loan Repossessions

Then if you are happy to proceed, you can find top rated and trusted lenders near you in our article, Best Online Title Loan Lenders.

Online Title Loans can be found here - Click to see lenders that offer titletitle loans online and near you

Things to keep in mind.. when looking for a car title loan lender

There are obviously no shortage of companies that offer title loans. While all loans have shared characteristics, there are differences between many lenders as to what the terms of their loans are and also how the company approaches things such as customer service. These are worth enquiring about when you speak to a online title loan company. Some questions to ask include

  • What documents will you require
  • How long is the loan duration
  • What interest rate can I expect
  • If I want to borrow more money later on what is the process for doing that, and is that a possibility for me given the strength of my application
  • What payment methods are available to me, can I pay cash, credit card, online etc
  • How aggressive are they? Some lenders resort to unpleasant (and possibly illegal) collection practices. 

Our list of lenders helps you see different lender in your area, and we reccommend that as a starting point for you.

Location of title loan lenders

Have a look at our regularly updated list of pink slip loan lenders that are near you.

Loan Characteristics

Because you are looking for car title loans the interest rates are usually given to you monthly and you can pay back at any time, and different lenders offer different rates depending on how they view you as a customer and could be as simple as how busy they on that day or month! It's always recommended to call a number of different lenders before deciding on the lender that is right for you. 

Last Updated: March 6, 2019